Notice: Regarding the printing of Employment Permits

In advance of reading this notice please be assured that the contingency arrangements (link at bottom of notice) introduced by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment back in March 2020 will continue in full for the foreseeable future and the Department will continue to issue the electronic version of the employment permit to employees/employers/agents. There is no change to this current process.  

The Employment Permits Section will this week commence the printing of Employment Permits granted since March 2020 which were issued electronically but not printed due to COVID-19. Employment Permits will be printed in date order from when the application was received by this Department. Both the original and certified copies of the permits concerned will be printed. The original permit will be addressed to the permit holder and sent to their employer/agent who is then asked to ensure that the employee receives the original permit. The certified copy will be sent separately to the employer/agent to be retained.

Permits that have expired or been cancelled since being issued electronically in March or permits that will expire before the end of January 2021 will not be printed. Please note it is anticipated that it will take a few months to clear the existing backlog and any further updates will be published on the this page.

You are not required to do anything after receipt of this notice, the purpose of which is to inform you that the printing of the backlog of electronically issued employment permits is beginning and we will post out the permit(s) relevant to you in the coming months.

Full details on the Employment Permits Contingency Arrangements:

Finally, a dedicated mailbox has been set up to deal specifically with queries in relation to the printing of the backlog of the permits. The email address for the new mailbox is Please allow 3-5 working days for a response if e-mailing a query to this address.

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